- Blondel – The team prayed with Blondel regarding moving, stress, and finances. The team did a SOZO exchange with her and as a result, Blondel gave her stress and all to God. She felt God wanted her to return to Him 100%! The team shared with her about the baseball vision; God as the Catcher saying, “I’ve gotchya!”
- Pat – She needed prayer for her sinuses. The team prayed for her and her sinuses started to clear up and her headache started to feel better. One of team members put her hand on her nose and she felt heat in her hand and fingers. After prayer, Pat felt much better.
- Machella – The team prayed for her back and she felt the pain leave! The Presence of God was so strong. The team is also expecting to hear a good report from her upcoming cancer test.
- Meralee and Aaron – Prayers for their finances.Wow! The Presence of God was so stong the couldn’t move!
- Inge – She needed prayer for her eye because her vision was blury. Some of the team members ran into her in the bathroom and prayed for her eye to be healed. Inge came back to the table later to report her eye was reallyclear! Thank you Jesus!
- Bernie – He had pain in his back from a previous injury. Bernie fell off a ladder and broke his back. After prayer he said his back felt tinglely. After our third prayer, his back was still tinglely and he said some of the pain went away! Yay God!
- Maria – The team prayed for her back, she had upper back pain just below the right shoulder blade. One of the ministry members had a Word of Knowledge for this pain! After prayer three times the pain was GONE! Praise God!
- Jerry – He returned with a praise report. He was previously unable to lift his arm after having surgery for a torn rotator cuff. The doctors told him he needed to look for a new job/line of work. The team prayed for Jerry on a couple different occasions, each Saturday he was able to lift his arm higher and higher. Now…he can completely lift his arm. The doctors have said he could now go back to work November 15! Praise God! Click here to watch his testimony on our Facebook page!
- Becky – She had a severe headache and has suffered from them for two years. The team prayed with her, the pain gradually left after continued prayer!
- The team led 1 person to the Lord.
- Four poeple were led to the Lord! What a great day.
- Anne – she was deaf in both ears. The team prayed for her hearing to be restored. After praying twice she said that she could HEAR out of BOTH ears!!! Thank you Jesus!
- Neilia – returned with a praise report. She was seeing much better and still has had no pain since prayer. (See May 31)
- MaryAnn – had severe pain in her heel that went up her leg which made it difficult to walk. She has an appointment to see a doctor on Wednesday. The team prayed for her leg and heel…she was HEALED! The pain was GONE! She was touched by the Lord and shed tears of joy. During prayer, one of the team members had a word of knowledge (lower back pain). MaryAnn confirmed that her back had started hurting that morning. The team prayed for her back and she said she felt better. She believes she was healed today! Praise God!
- Louella – after the team’s initial interview and the discussion of the spirit of unforgiveness, Louella knew she needed to pray the prayer of forgiveness. The team joined hands with her while she prayed and chose to fogive her children for things they have done. It was very powerful!
- Neilia – Three doctors have diagnosed her with glaucoma in her eyes. She was in pain and wanted prayer. She was definately touched today. After prayer she said she felt much better and that the pain had LEFT!
- Ruben – Had pain in arms and wrists. After prayer, the pain was gone!
We received emails from Pastor Juan in Puerto Vallarta that one man testified that after prayer when the team was there, he was healed of back pain. Another lady shared that she was healed of depression. Just this week we received an email saying that a lady from their church shared that her mom was very sick. She had a count of 500 with sugar diabetis. While we were in Puerto Vallarta at Pastor Juan’s church we did a “fire tunnel”. This lady passed through the tunnel, all the while praying for her mom. She began jumping and jumping. She said she was supposed to go visit her mom that day, but she told her family she was going to go to church instead to pray for her mom. Her mother lives in Puebla about 20 hours from Puerto Vallarta. She called her mom the next day. Her mom was normal.
That’s that’s the power of our God.
March 9th
- Jeremy – was told he needed fusion. God told him he wouldn’t need the surgery. He decided to to with God and not have the surgery. The he shared how the Lord has just blessed him in so many ways and he is truly grateful.
- Terry – was told he had no circulation in his leg. Pastor Larry gave testimony during the Sunday morning service that people were getting healed. Terry’s leg felt cold. Hedidn’t know what to make of it. When he went back for an ultra cound…he had full blood flow in his leg. They told him his leg would have to be amputated. WOW!!!
- Pastor Larry – shared about Keith (who had been brain dead for 5 days). His mother wouldn’t give up on him continually praying for his recover. After 5 days, he came back alive! But he still had a “fog” over his brain from the death experience. An employer from 10 years ago, called him and offered him a job with a 6 figure salary. He took the job in another state, but wanted Pastor Larry to pray this “fog” off of him. He wanted to be able to give his best for the emloyer. Pastor prayed and the fog lifted immediately. WHAT A AMAZING LORD WE SERVE!
MIRACLE MEXICO – February 18-27
A team of 5 went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and saw God move is such a mighty way. There were a total of 105 healings at that time. And more have been coming. One such testimony was of a 10 year old girl whose foot had been broken and didn’t heal properly. She was in pain every time she waled. She came up for prayer in tears. Prayer was offered serveral times, a little better each time. One last time….the foot was completely healed!! She had a look of total amazement on her face, and now the tears were of complete joy. We saw people with depression, filled with joy. People in pain in their backs, feet, and heads were totally healed and rejoicing in the Lord. It was truly an amazing trip. Hopefully, the first of many.
- 16 people were prayed for by the team. People were lining up for prayer. The Presence of the Lord was so strong and many were touched by the power of the Lord. He is Alive and Well.
February 9th
- Sharon shared how she had a 2 disc fusion in her neck and was in intense pain. She also had metal in her neck. This morning the Lord totally healed her and she had complete movement in her neck!